Sai Gon

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A walk in the park

              Brides seem to favour western style gowns which they rent

 Schoolgirls of Bui Thi Xuan High School wearing traditional Au Dai

















We hear "Hello - How are you - Where you from - How old are you'?  from school age children everywhere we go in Vietnam

Impromptu English and geography lessons Ho Ky Hoa Park                       

 They were surprised how small Vietnam and how large Canada


The family of our local guide invited us to dinner and to visit their 50 yr. old glass recycling plant


There, three women and one man operated the scary equipment and handled molten glass with practically no safety equipment  


Crimes of War and Aggression


 "Exhibition House for Crimes of War and Aggression"  Formerly known as the "Exhibition House for US and Puppet Crimes"

In 1995 it became the "War Remnants Museum".   In spite of the more politically correct name the exhibits are still as graphic and distressing as those we saw in 1994 

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" Geo. Santayna 1905


Charm offensive from Canadians bearing maple leaf pins

                                      The Iconic American Embassy 

Who could ever forget the scenes back in 1975 during the evacuation of the then US Embassy as thousands of desperate South Vietnamese mobbed these gates hoping to escape the advancing North Vietnamese Army and the rebel Viet Cong

The  building was subsequently turned over to Petro Vietnam the national oil company

 President Bill Clinton announced the end of the US embargo while we were in Vietnam.  A year later following the restoration of diplomatic relations the former embassy property was returned to the Americans.   Tattered sandbags leftover from the final evacuation two decades earlier were still to be found on the rooftop

The former embassy and grounds was handed back to the USA.   In July 1998 the US State Dept demolished it to make way for a new consulate

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